
Show on Chart


Enable Selected Strike: Enable the ability to select which strike's detailed information to display. Strike Selected: The strike that was selected to display the detailed strike information . Base Skew Price: Show the base price and floated base price on the volatility chart. Theoretical Vol Points: Show each theoretical volatility point on the theoretical skew. Each point is represneted as a black circle. Original Theoretical Skew: how the theoretical skew prior to being manipulated. This allows the ability to see the differences in the adjusted skew and the original skew. *This is represented by dots. Electronic Market Vol Points: Display the fair value volatlity of the current electronic market place. Settlement Vol Points: Display the settlement volatlity. *This is represented by solid orange dots. *Only out of the money options with a settlement will be represented.

  • desktop/show_on_chart.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/22 19:54
  • by rob