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Click to enable email notifications for this page Image Live Price Type: The live future's price that will be fed into the model to determine the theoretical values. This setting is shared by all option contracts of the same underlying contract. Details: Choose from: Mid = Midpoint of the bid and offer. Bid Offer Settlement Last Last within Bid/Offer Market Model Type: The type of options model being used to calculate theoreticals. Details: Choose from: Binomial Black Scholes Whaley Comments: Binomial: Configure Steps and choose between American or European Adjust DTE: Adjusts DTE for the selected series. Add or subtract time manually for all months for this series. Details: Adjust the number of DTE in order to increase or decrease the DTE. Positive = increases DTE. Negative = reduces DTE. DTE Display: If there is an adjustment to the DTE it will be followed by the amount of the adjustment in parenthesis. Option Sheets: The back color of the DTE turns green Comments: There is a global adjust DTE in the main window: This will change all adjust DTE simultaneously. A possible use is to take the weekend out earlier. Also Known As: DTE = Days to expiration. DTE = Days to expiry. Increases DTE = Adding time. Reduces DTE =Subtracting time. Expiry Date Type: Details: Last Trade Date = DTE are 0 on the last day of trading. Settlement Date = DTE are 1 on the last day of trading. AKA for DTE: Days to expiration Days to expiry DTE Calculation Type: Select how the DTE are to be calculated. Details: Calendar = Count every day from today until expiration, which includes weekends. This is also known as a 7 day week. Week Days Only = Count every weekday between now and expiration, which excludes Saturday and Sunday.This is also known as a 5 day week. AKA for DTE: Days to expiration Days to expiry DTE Rate: Select the rate time is to be taken out. AKA for DTE: Days to expiration Days to expiry Interest Rate: Risk free interest rate. Interest Rate Type: Risk free interest rate type. Details: Continuous Annual Semi-Annual Quarterly Monthly Cost of Carry: The cost of interest plus any additional costs. Always compounded. Cost of Carry Rate Type The type of cost of carry rate that should be applied. Hedge Method (Delta): Select the method to be used for hedging. Generally if the float rate is not zero use iterative delta.