


Refresh Market Data: Click to refresh the market data. Fit Electronic: Click to fit to the electronic market. Fit Settles: Click to fit to the settlement. Adapt To Electronic: Click to adapt to the electronic market. Adapt To Settles: Click to adapt to the settlement.

Electronic vs Settles

Electronic = Volatility to equal mid-market price of an option. Computed using midpoint bid/offer data from each options market and midpoint bid/offer data from the underlying futures market. An implied electronic market volatility is computed for each strike price with a bid and offer (one sided markets are ignored).

Settles = Volatility to equal the settlement price of an option. Using option settlement price in conjunction with the futures settlement price, a settlement volatility is computed for each strike price with a posted settlement.

Note: If you want to exclude Electronic or Settlement values below a certain value, refer to the “Min Ticks Fit” setting.

Fit vs Adapt

Fit: Take the implied volatility skew (Electronic or Settles), and completely overwrite your existing skew. This will remove any and all strikes volatilities previously configured and replace them with the implied skew.

Adapt: Use the implied volatility skew (Electronic or Settles) to adjust your existing strikes volatilities. It will only adjust the volatility at each previously configured strike price to match the implied volatility skew. This will not replace, remove, or add any strikes volatilities that were not already configured.

  • desktop/fit.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/22 19:53
  • by rob