
T4 Trading Application Main Window

The T4 Trading Application's main window consists of several components:

  • Company Brand: Displays the name of the firm. This can be branded to the firm’s specification.
  • Connection Status: Indicates the connection status to the server. If the connection is lost, it will flash red.
  • Current User: The name of the user currently logged in.
  • Current Trading Account: The active T4 account. Orders and information displayed are specific to this account.
  • P&L: Profit and Loss for the session for the Current Trading Account.
  • Available Cash: The account balance, plus any P&L, less any margin requirements for open positions and working orders.
  • Status Bar: Flashes messages from the exchange or firm’s admin. Click the drop-down button to review changes in status.
  • Market Ticker: Displays market information when there is no status change. Clicking on it allows you to add markets to the ticker.
  • New Item Menu: Opens the New Item Menu for creating Contract windows, Quote boards, Account boards, or Order Book windows.
  • Main Properties: Opens the main properties and settings for the T4 application.
  • Save Market: Saves the current User Settings.
  • Help And Support: Automatically opens the help document.
  • Minimize, Restore, Close: Located in the upper right-hand corner, these buttons minimize, restore, or close the Main Window.

Helpful Video

  • desktop/desktop_main_window.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/14 16:04
  • by rob