
Plot Line

  • PLOT_LINE( <value> )
  • PLOT_LINE( <value>, <linewidth>, <linecolor> )
  • PLOT_LINE( <value>, <linewidth>, <linecolor>, <linestyle> )

Draws a line plot of the value.

Function Parameters
Parameter Description
<value> The value to plot.
<linewidth> The width or thickness to draw the line.
<linecolor> The color to draw the line.
<linestyle> The line style. This will be specified using the LineStyle lookup.

LineStyle Values
Value Description
LineStyle.Solid A solid line.
LineStyle.Dash A dashed line.
LineStyle.Dot A dotted line.

  • desktop/desktop_chart_scripting_function_reference_plot_line.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/09/21 19:58
  • by