
Create & Edit Series


  1. Toggle Panel: Will expand the Series panel to make more options visible.
  2. Series drop down: Click the drop down to view or select any created series.
  3. Add Series: Click this to create a new series.
  4. Add Public series: Clicking this will create a public series that will be able to be viewed by any user within the firm that has options pro. NOTE: You can create public series that can only be view by specific users. To find out more please contact Support to learn how.
  5. Remove series: This will delete the selected series from the series drop down. Note any series can be restored and brought back. Please see Series Tab for instructions on how to add it back.
  6. Export to Excel: Will import your selected series to Excel.
  7. Import from Excel: Allows you import a series from excel.
  • desktop/create_edit_series.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/08 16:58
  • by rob