
Advanced Tab

Click to enable email notifications for this page Image Offset Centering of Sheet: Offset the centering of the sheet by a number of strikes for this month when clicking the 'center the sheet' button on the option sheet window. Allow Manual DTE:Allow the DTE for this month to be set manually. This overrides any other DTE calculation for this month. The back color of the DTE turns green on the sheet Also Known As: DTE = Days to expiration. DTE = Days to expiry. Manual DTE: Set the DTE manually. Upside: Set the amount of change for the upside skew to evaluate different skew risks . Upside Skew = strikes above the floated base futures price Example: value of .001 Upside Skew Risk $ = the profit or loss in dollars if the skew changes by .001 Upside Skew Risk Delta = the change in delta if the skew changes by .001 Upside Skew Risk Vega$ = the change in vega if the skew changes by .001 Downside: Set the amount of change for the downside skew to evaluate different skew risks. Downside Skew = strikes below the floated base futures price. Example: value of .0005 Downside Skew Risk $ = the profit or loss in dollars if the skew changes by .0005 Downside Skew Risk Delta = the change in delta if the skew changes by .0005 Downside Skew Risk Vega$ = the change in vega if the skew changes by .0005 Heat Map Edge Method: Choose the method for the heat map to be applied to this month. Configure: Based on: Volatility Volatility by side = bid side in volatility and offer side in volatility. Ticks Ticks by side = bid side in ticks and offer side in ticks Enable Range of Edge Levels: Enable (checked) the ability to set a range of edge levels for this month and the display for the heat map will use a graduated heat map. If unchecked = single edge level and displays a single shade of color. Configure: Choose between: Set single edge level: displays a single shade of color. Set range of edge levels: uses graduated shades of a color for the heat map. Details: Definition of graduated shades of a color for the heat map: Creates a different shade of the background color based on the edge's value in the edge's range. The lowest shade indicates the starting edge level has been violated. The highest shade indicates the edge level has been violated. Ticks Edge Start Level: Set the number of ticks edge desired for this months heat map to start displaying the lowest graduated shade of a color. Example for Ticks Edge Start Level: Ticks Edge Level= -2: means if the difference between the bid or offer price and the theoretical price in ticks is greater than or equal to -2 in the strike then display the heat map in the lowest graduated shade of a color. The heat map is not applied if the edge is less than -2. Details: Formatting options = located on the main window's properties under option sheets: formats. Also Known As: Vol= Volatility. Ticks Edge Level: Set the edge Level in number of ticks Set the number of ticks of edge desired and if the violated fully display the heat map for this month. Example for bid ticks edge level: Ticks Edge Level= 1: means if the difference between the bid or offer price and theoretical pric in ticks is greater than or equal to 1 in the strike then display the heat map in the highest graduated shade of a color. Details: Formatting options = located on the main windows properties under options sheets formats. Also Know As: Vol=Volatility. View Only: View Only Whether this month is view only or click tradable. Enabled: Enable This Months Default Quantities Use click trading quantities associated with this month instead of the global quantities. Global click trading settings are found on the main windows properties button under click trading. Options: This Months Options Default Quantity Global click trading settings are found on the main windows properties button under click trading. Futures: This Months Futures Default Quantity Global click trading settings are found on the main windows properties button under click trading. Enabled: Enable This Months Price Prompt Levels The number of visible price levels for the price prompt for this month instead of the global number of levels for the price prompt. Global click trading settings are found on the main windows properties button under click trading. Options: This Months Options Price Levels The number of visible price levels for options price prompt order entry. Global click trading settings are found on the main windows properties button under click trading. Futures: This Months Futures Price Levels The number of visible price levels for futures price prompt order entry. Global click trading settings are found on the main windows properties button under click trading.

  • desktop/advanced_tab.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/22 19:51
  • by rob