
Account Board

The Account Board displays account details for all the accounts that you have access to. The most common columns are visible by default. Each account listed will have a name, number, total P&L, total cash, and status. Your account will also break down P&L by providing individual market positions. Each position will display the market, net position, and P&L. Combining the P&L for all the positions will equal the account total P&L. Many additional Columns are available in Account Board Properties.

During trading your account status may change due to risk management. If your status becomes “blocked” it means that risk management is actively blocking your account from trading so that you can only trade out of your open positions. Filtered views of your accounts are provided by the View Tabs at the top of the screen. Simply click the view you desire and Account Board will display the appropriate accounts. The default, All view, is an unfiltered view showing you all accounts that are available to you.

The Account Board also allows you to print the contents of a view, quickly change the Currently Trading Account and open account specific Order Books.

To open a new Account Board, Click Account Board from the Main window’s New Item Menu.


Properties Brings up the properties for the Account Board Print Allows you to Print, save to clipboard, or copy the account board to excel. DDE Link Copies the account board into an excel spreadsheet. Firm Drop Down Filter account board by firm. Search Search for an account by name. View Tabs View various account boards. Columns Columns to display on the Account Board. Many more columns are available and can be added in the Account Board Properties, Columns tab.



The view tabs are used to switch between filtered views of your accounts. Simply click the tab for the accounts you desire to see. If you want to see multiple views at the same time create a new Account Board and set the additional view.

Image Some tabs have related items under a drop down menu. Click the dropdown button to the right of the tab to select from the additional related items.

All All Accounts. This is an unfiltered view. Have Traded Accounts that have orders for the current trading day. Neg P&L Accounts that have taken a loss for the current trading day. No P&L Accounts that have had no profit or loss for the current trading day. Pos P&L Accounts that have made a profit for the current trading day. Blocked Accounts currently being blocked by risk management. Contact your Administrator for an explanation of your specific risk management parameters. UnrestrictedAccounts that are not risk managed. There are no money or margin restrictions on these accounts. They may have max clip and max position limits. DisabledAccounts that have been disabled by your Risk Manager. Active Position Accts that have active working orders. Open Position Accounts that have an open position. No Position Accounts that have had a position but are now flat. Warnings All A summary of all warnings: Margin, P&L and loss Limit. Warnings Threshold The warning threshold % for this account. Warnings Margin All accounts over the daily risk limit for margin set by Administrator. Warnings P&L All accounts over the daily P&L limit set by Administrator. Warnings Loss Limit All accounts over the daily Loss limit level set by Administrator.


The Account Board’s column layout is fully customizable. Drag the column header to move, drag the column header side border to resize, and click the column header to resort.


By default the most common columns are visible in a new Account Board. Many more columns are available and can be added in the Account Board Properties.

Account Columns Account The account number that is sent to the exchange. Firm The firm number that the account belongs to. Loss Limit The amount of cash you are able to lose in a single trading day. If this value is blank then you don’t have a loss limit. Loss Limit% The amount of cash you are able to lose in a single trading day as a percent of your Total Balance. Min Balance The minimum balance the clearing firm is requiring you to keep in your account at all times. This amount is subtracted from your balance when checking margin requirements. Mode The account mode set by the firm administrator. Name The descriptive name of the account. Net Current Day P&L Your Net profit and loss for all markets that were traded in current trading session trades only. Note that this P&L does not include trades that occurred in any prior trading sessions. Net Equity Total Balance plus P&L. Net P&L The Net Profit and Loss of all markets traded for the selected account. Status The current status of the account. Blocked Risk management is actively blocking the account because it violates at least one of the rules set up by your Administrator. Deleted The account was deleted from the system by your Administrator. OK The account is ready for trading and is being risk managed. Unknown The current status of the account is unknown. Unrestricted The account is ready for trading and it isn’t being risk managed. Disabled The account was disabled in the system by your Administrator. Total Balance The start of day balance of your account. Total Cash The total amount of money your account has available for trading. This value is derived from your start of day balance, P&L and margin. Total Current Day P&L Your Total profit and loss for all markets that were traded in current trading session trades only. Note that this P&L does not include trades that occurred in any prior trading sessions. Total Day Fills Will display the current days fills only for the selected account. Note that this does not include fills that occurred in any prior trading sessions. Total Fees & Commission Will display the total fees and commission specified by the firm administrator for all markets traded in the selected account. Total Margin The total margin you are being required to pay for all the positions for the account. Total Max Position The total max worst case position. If you’re long 5 and working to sell 5 and buy another 5 your total max position would be 10. Total Overnight UP&L Unrealized profit and loss for your accounts overnight positions. This is the P&L between any fills from previous days and the last settlement price. Total P&L The total profit and loss of all markets traded in the selected account. Total P&L % The Profit and loss percent up or down of the Total Cash. Total Premium The Total premium of all contracts traded for the selected account. Total RP&L Realized profit and loss for your account. This is the profit and loss for positions that have been closed out. Total UP&L Unrealized profit and loss for your account. This is the P&L between any open position fills and the current best bid or offer prices. If no bid or offer price is available then the last trade or settlement price is used. Total Working Displays number of working order and total volume of those orders in parentheses Total Worst Position Your Total worst case position of all markets or all of your working orders get filled. Warning Loss Limit Indicates account is close to loss limit for the day Warning Margin Indicates account is close to margin limits for the day. Warning P&L Indicates account is close to P&L loss for the day. Warning Summary Summary of all account warning parameters.

Position Columns Avg Fill Price The average fill price is calculated using the FIFO matched open fill only. This can be set to Average Open Fill, Average Total Fill, Average Open Until closed, or none. Avg Long Fill PriceThe average long fill price is calculated using the FIFO matched open fill only. Avg Short Fill Price The average short fill price is calculated using the FIFO matched open fill only. Buys The total number of contracts bought in the market for this trading day. Contract ID The identifier of the contract that this market is for. Note we pick this up from the exchange so whatever they use for the ID is what we display. Example Crude Oil is “CL” Current Day P&L Your profit and loss for each market that was traded in current trading session trades only. Note that this P&L does not include trades that occurred in any prior trading sessions. Day Buys Will display the current days buys only for that month. Note that this does not include trades that occurred in any prior trading sessions. Day Net Will display the current day net of the buys and sells only for each month. Note that this does not include trades that occurred in any prior trading sessions. Day Sells Will display the current days sells only for that month. Note that this does not include trades that occurred in any prior trading sessions. Fees & Commission Will display fees and commission specified by the firm administrator for each market traded in the selected account. Margin The amount of margin required for your position and working orders in the market. Market A description of each market that was traded. Net Your net position in each market that was traded. Overnight UP&L Unrealized profit and loss for your overnight positions in each market traded. This is the P&L between any fills from previous days and the last settlement price. P&L Your profit and loss for each market that was traded. Premium The premium is displayed per contract. Previous Day Margin Displays only the prior days amount of margin required for your position and working orders in the market. RP&L Realized profit and loss for your positions in each market traded. This is profit and loss for positions that have been closed and the prices are known. Sells The total number of contracts sold in the market for this trading day. UP&L Unrealized profit and loss for your position in the market. This is the P&L between any open position fills and the current best bid or offer prices. If no bid or offer price is available then the last trade or settlement price is used. Working Buys The number of buy contracts you have working in the market. Working Sells The number of sell contracts you have working in the market. Worst Your worst case position in each market if some or all of your working orders get filled.

Column Layout

The Account Board’s column layout is fully customizable. Drag the column header to move, drag the column header side border to resize, and click the column header to resort.

Moving Columns


Move a column within the grid by dragging the column header with your pointer or mouse.

Click and hold the left mouse down on the desired column header. A vertical like will be drawn indicating where the column will be inserted. With the left mouse button still down drag the column left or right. The vertical bar will move between columns indicating where the column will be inserted. Let the mouse button up when the desired location is reached.

Resizing Columns


Resize the width of a column within the grid by dragging with your pointer or mouse.

Click and hold the left mouse down on the right border of the column header you want to resize. With the left mouse button still down drag the mouse right or left. A bar will appear indicating the new width of the column. Let the mouse button up when the desired width is reached.

Sorting Columns


Click on a column header to sort the grid. Click again to reverse the sort.

Note: not all grids can be sorted.

Image Descending order. Image Ascending order.



Image The Account Board search pane enables you to search for specific accounts. Enter any part of an account name or account number in the text field and click the search button to begin the search. Image Enter the search criteria. Image The case sensitivity toggle determines whether or not the search pays attention to the case of the search criteria. This toggle can be useful when searching hundreds of accounts.

Account Board Menu

The Account Board menu is opened by right clicking on a single account. The following options are available from the Account Board menu:


Switch Account To Click Switch Account to change the Currently Trading Account to the account highlighted. Show Orders For Click Show Orders to display a custom Order Book containing only the orders for the highlighted account The account specific Order Book will have a Image button enabled on the All and Filled tabs. This button will Pull all working orders for the account. Show Account Reports For Displays Reports for this specific account. Show Portfolio Analysis For Displays Portfolio Analysis for this specific account. NOTE: The Options Pro Package is requred for this. Show Quote Board For Displays a Quote Board Containing all the contracts listed on the Account Board for the selected account. Copy DDE Link Allows you to enable dynamic streaming of data into Excel. New positions created in new markets will not appear dynamically via DDE. Only the positions that you paste in Excel will be updated in Excel.

DDE/RTD Button


Image Click the DDE button to enable dynamic streaming of data into Excel. New positions created in new markets will not appear dynamically via DDE. Only the positions that you paste in Excel will be updated in Excel.


The print button allows you to print directly from the Account Board. You can print as many or as few accounts as you want. Select the desired accounts in the Account Board and then click the print button. To print the entire Account Board leave all the accounts unselected and then click the print button.

Image Click the print button in the upper left corner of the Account Board to open a print preview window. Note: A printer must be installed and configured in order to take advantage of the Print functionality

Account Board Properties


Some Account Board properties can be configured in the Account Board Tab in the Main Properties window.

The Account Board property pages are used to further customize how information is displayed. Columns can be added, removed, and reordered. The view’s font can also be increased or decreased.

Image Click the Properties button in the upper left corner of the Account Board to open the Account Board Properties.


The columns tab is used to add, remove, and reorder Account Board columns.

Image Add or remove columns from the view by checking their corresponding boxes in the left pane. Image Change the order in which columns are displayed by selecting a column in the right pane and clicking the up or down arrows. Image Remove a column by selecting it in the right pane and clicking the delete button.

The display tab is used to override the default grid font. You are able to set a custom font size for a specific Account Board.


Name Change the name of the Account Board window. Click set to apply the name change, or reset it to the default name. Layout When clicked, the layout and settings of the current Account Board Window will be saved as default and used to create all new Order Book windows. Save This will save a copy of the current Account Board window layout and the saved layout can be found in the Window Management. Font Click the + or - to increase or decrease the grid font size on the Account Board.

  • desktop/account_board.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/02 14:34
  • by rob