
Pricing & Market Data

  • Price Display This allows you to dynamically change the price display.
  • Strike Display This allows you to dynamically change the strike price display.
  • Contract Display This allows you to change the display of the contract. e.g. Corn = CZ
  • Expiry Display This allows you to change the month display of the contract. e.g. March 21 = H21
  • Last Trade Volume Cumulative Whether to display the cumulative volume at the last trade price, or the volume of the last trade.
  • Implied Price Display All implied prices are displayed. It can be set to display all, Exchange Matched, or none.
  • Implied Spread Positions Whether to display implied net position for spread markets or not.
  • Use Held Settlement Some markets broadcast their settlements after the market is open. If enabled the late settlement will instantly be used in calculations.
  • Trade Summary Some markets broadcast both the trade summary and a breakdown of individual order volumes that were part of the trade. if enabled only the summary volume is used. If disabled then the individual volumes that made up that trade are used. e.g. a 10 lot trades against two 5 lots. Trade Summary enabled will show a 10 lot trade. Trade Summary disabled will show two 5 lot trades.
  • android/android_settings_pricing_and_market_data.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/09/21 19:58
  • by