

The Orders tab displays the orders for the currently selected account. The orders can be cycled through either by tapping the orders icon or by swiping. The title at the top of the screen changes to reflect what orders are being displayed.

List of Views

  • All: All orders. This is an unfiltered view.
  • Current Day: Only shows orders done on the current trading session.
  • Filled: Orders that have been partially or completely filled.
  • Previous Day Fills: Only shows fills
  • Current Day Fills:
  • Current Day no Pit Fills:
  • Working: Orders currently working in the market. Working orders are orders that have not been completely filled or canceled. At least some of their volume is still waiting to trade.
  • Working GTC:
  • Working non GTC:
  • Canceled: Orders that have been canceled by you or the exchange. These orders are completed and no longer working.
  • Orders Held on Server: Held Orders are orders being held on T4 servers awaiting submission to the Exchange.
  • Rejected: Orders that have been rejected for one reason or another. Rejection could be due to Risk Management or the Exchange. Read the order Status for more information.

Trading Menu

  • Trade contract- Opens a trading ladder of that market
  • Revise the order - Brings up a revision ticket
  • Pull order -This will cancel the working order
  • Filter to market - This will cause the screen to filter only to the specified market. A bar will appear at the top of the screen indicating the filter in effect and it will have a close button that will clear the filter. The market filter persists across page changes.

Order Details

You can tap on the row of an order to pull up the order details of that order. If the order you are checking on is a working order you will be provided with a revise button that will pull up a revision ticket for that order, and a pull button that will allow you to pull the order without having to pull up a depth ladder. Located in the top right corner of the order details window is the trade contract icon that will bring up the depth ladder of that contract.

  • android/android_monitor_trading_orders.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/28 21:27
  • by serhii