
This is an old revision of the document!

Market Definition Service

The T4 system identifies products using a 3-part identifier system:

ExchangeID A unique ID representing the exchange.
(Note: These are logical groupings, therefore there will be more than one ExchangeID for most exchanges.
e.g. CME_C for CME commodities and CME_Eq for CME equities.)
ContractID A unique ID representing the specific product group.
e.g. ZC for Corn, ES for E-Mini S&P 500
MarketID A unique ID representing the contract expiry.
e.g. XCME_C ZS (H24) for Mar24 Soybeans at the CME.

Note: MarketID is unique across the platform.

Warning: Never parse MarketID into it's component parts. Even if it appears that may work, it will not work across our whole platform.

Retrieves a list of exchanges available in the market data system.

GET https://api-sim.t4login.com/markets/exchanges

Include Authorization which should contain a valid bearer token.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

The JSON response is an array of objects, each representing an exchange with its ID, clearing exchange, and description.

Element Description
exchangeId Identifier for the exchange.
clearingExchange The clearing exchange name.
description A brief description of the exchange.
        "exchangeId": "CME_C",
        "clearingExchange": "CBOT",
        "description": "CBOT Commodity Futures"
        "exchangeId": "CME_CL",
        "clearingExchange": "NYMEX",
        "description": "NYMEX CrudeOil Futures"
        "exchangeId": "CME_CLOp",
        "clearingExchange": "NYMEX",
        "description": "NYMEX CrudeOil Options"
        "exchangeId": "CME_CO",
        "clearingExchange": "COMEX",
        "description": "COMEX Futures"
    // ... additional exchanges ...


Contract Search


Market Details

  • api/markets.1704830077.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/01/09 19:54
  • by chad