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T4 Chart API

Our chart API provides data in aggregated or un-aggregated formats.

All times are in CST.

GetBarChart API Documentation

The GetBarChart API retrieves bar chart data for a specified trading instrument over a given date range. This API supports various chart types and bar intervals, tailored for detailed data analysis in financial contexts.

GET https://api-sim.t4login.com/chart/barchart
Parameter Description
exchangeId Required. Identifier for the exchange.
contractId Required. Identifier for the contract.
chartType Required. Type of chart to compute. Currently, only Bar type is supported.
barInterval Required. Interval at which bars are aggregated. Possible values:
Tick: Bars aggregated based on trade count.
TickRange: Bars aggregated based on price range.
Volume: Bars aggregated based on number of contracts traded.
Second: Bars aggregated into multiples of seconds.
Minute: Bars aggregated into multiples of minutes.
Hour: Bars aggregated into multiples of hours.
Day: Bars aggregated into multiples of days.
Week: Bars aggregated into multiples of weeks.
barPeriod Required. Period for the bars.
tradeDateStart Required. Start date for the trade data.
tradeDateEnd Required. End date for the trade data.
marketID Market ID (optional). Can be omitted when using ContinuationType.
continuationType Method of continuation for the chart. Only Volume is currently supported.
resetInterval Interval at which bar computations reset (not applicable when ContinuationType.Volume is used).
Defaults to TradingDay. Other possible values:
None: No reset interval.
TradingWeek: Reset on the trading week boundary.
ExpiryChange: Reset on an expiry change.
contractMonths Contract months to include (not applicable when ContinuationType.Volume is used).
rolloverThreshold Rollover threshold (not applicable when ContinuationType.Volume is used).
forwardMonths Forward months (not applicable when ContinuationType.Volume is used).

Response Structure

The response from the GetBarChart API is a JSON object containing detailed information about the bar chart data. Below is the structure of the response along with a description of each element:

Element Description
tradeDate Date of the trade.
time Time when the bar data starts.
closeTime Time when the bar data ends.
marketID Identifier for the market.
openPrice Opening price for this bar.
highPrice Highest price in this bar.
lowPrice Lowest price in this bar.
closePrice Closing price for this bar.
volume Total volume of trades in this bar.
volumeAtBid Volume of trades at the bid price.
volumeAtOffer Volume of trades at the offer price.
trades Total number of trades in this bar.
tradesAtBid Number of trades at the bid price.
tradesAtOffer Number of trades at the offer price.
Element Description
marketID Identifier for the market.
minPriceIncrement Minimum increment of the market's price.
priceCode Code related to the pricing of the market.
tickValue Value of each tick in the market's pricing.
vpt Additional market-specific information (variable).
Element Description
marketID Identifier for the market.
tradeDate Date of the trade.
time Time when the mode change occurred.
marketMode The mode of the market at the given time.
Element Description
marketID Identifier for the market.
tradeDate Date of the trade.
time Time of the recorded open interest.
openInterest The amount of open interest.
Element Description
marketID Identifier for the market.
tradeDate Date of the trade.
time Time when the settlement information was recorded.
settlementPrice Price at which the trade was settled.
isHeld Indicates if the settlement was held (boolean).
    "tradeDateStart": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
    "tradeDateEnd": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
    "activeMarket": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)",
    "bars": [
            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
            "time": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
            "closeTime": "2024-01-08T15:59:59.5853624",
            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)",
            "openPrice": "473575",
            "highPrice": "480325",
            "lowPrice": "471525",
            "closePrice": "479800",
            "volume": 1339989,
            "volumeAtBid": 665050,
            "volumeAtOffer": 674939,
            "trades": 320624,
            "tradesAtBid": 152333,
            "tradesAtOffer": 168291
    "marketDefinitions": [
            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)",
            "minPriceIncrement": "25",
            "priceCode": "",
            "tickValue": 12.5,
            "vpt": ""
    "modeChanges": [
            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)",
            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
            "time": "2024-01-07T08:04:27.7736882",
            "marketMode": 5
        // ... additional mode changes ...
    "openInterests": [
            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)",
            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
            "time": "2024-01-07T12:43:16.8256856",
            "openInterest": 2211632
        // ... additional open interests ...
    "settlements": [
            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)",
            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
            "time": "2024-01-05T16:38:39.9345143",
            "settlementPrice": "473475"
            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)",
            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00",
            "time": "2024-01-08T15:01:01.4810068",
            "isHeld": true
        // ... additional settlements ...
  • api/chart.1704816794.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/01/09 16:13
  • by chad