
This is an old revision of the document!

Admin API

The T4 Admin API allows you to connect your systems to the T4 backend in order to carry out admin functionality such as creating new users and obtaining reports.

User Fills

Retrieves trading fill data for a user or account within a specified time frame. This endpoint requires authorization and is intended for administrative use.

GET /admin/user/fills

Include Authorization which should contain a valid bearer token.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Parameter Description
TradeDate The trade date to retrieve fills for.
UserID Optional user ID to filter fills for.
AccountID Optional account ID to filter fills for.

User Fills Response Structure

The response is an array of UserFillData objects, each representing details of a user's fill.

Field Type Description
OrderID String Unique identifier for the order.
SequenceOrder Integer The sequence order of the fill.
ExchangeID String Identifier for the exchange.
ContractID String Identifier for the contract.
MarketID String Identifier for the market.
BuySell Enum Indicates whether the fill was a buy or sell.
Price Price The price at which the fill occurred.
Volume Integer Volume of the fill.
TradeDate DateTime Date when the trade occurred.
Time DateTime Time when the fill was recorded.
UserID String Identifier for the user.
AccountID String Identifier for the account.
Account String Name or designation of the account.
        "orderID": "a61779b9-88c5-4f69-819e-1ea0fdb0bb70",
        "sequenceOrder": 4,
        "exchangeID": "CME_CO",
        "contractID": "HG",
        "marketID": "XCME_CO HG (K24)",
        "buySell": "Buy",
        "volume": 1,
        "tradeDate": "2024-04-01T00:00:00",
        "time": "2024-04-01T14:22:31.137",
        "userID": "c5007af7-515d-4e86-a702-85376c09c1ec",
        "accountID": "60b90323-e72a-4bbf-a129-3882019e622c",
        "account": "chad01"
  • api/admin.1712145852.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/04/03 12:04
  • by chad