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Admin API

The T4 Admin API allows you to connect your systems to the T4 backend in order to carry out admin functionality such as creating new users and obtaining reports.

User Fills

Retrieves trading fill data for a user or account within a specified time frame. This endpoint requires authorization and is intended for administrative use.

GET /admin/user/fills

Include Authorization which should contain a valid bearer token.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Parameter Description
UserID Optional GUID identifying the user.
AccountID Optional GUID identifying the account.
TradeDateStart Optional DateTime specifying the start date for trade data retrieval.
TradeDateEnd Optional DateTime specifying the end date for trade data retrieval.
ExchangeID Optional string specifying the exchange ID to filter fills.
Offset Integer specifying the offset for pagination.
Count Integer specifying the number of fills to retrieve.

User Fills Response Structure

The response from the User Fills API contains detailed information about trading fills for a user or account. The response includes the total number of fills and a collection of individual fill details.

- TotalFills: The total number of fills returned. - UserFills: An array of objects, each representing a user fill with detailed information.

Field Type Description
UniqueID string Unique identifier for the fill.
BuySell int Indicates whether the fill was a buy (1) or sell (-1).
PriceType int Type of price for the fill.
Ticks int Number of ticks.
Volume int Volume of the fill.
ResidualVolume int Remaining volume after the fill.
Time DateTime Time of the fill.
TimeL long Long representation of fill time.
ExchangeTradeID string Trade ID on the exchange.
ExchangeTime DateTime Time of the trade on the exchange.
ExchangeTimeL long Long representation of exchange trade time.
UserName string Name of the user associated with the fill.
Account string Account identifier.
AccountName string Name of the account.
TradeDate DateTime Date of the trade.
Market string Market where the fill occurred.
AccountID string Account ID associated with the fill.
Price string Price at which the fill occurred.
MarketID string Market ID where the fill occurred.
Numerator int Numerator for price calculation.
Denominator int Denominator for price calculation.
TickValue decimal Value of each tick.
PriceCode string Code representing the price.
MinPriceIncrement string Minimum price increment.
Decimals int Number of decimal places for the price.
RealDecimals int Number of real decimal places for the price.
ClearingDecimals int Number of clearing decimal places for the price.
MinCabPrice string Minimum cab price.
VTT string Variable pertaining to the fill.
    "TotalFills": 5,
    "UserFills": [
            "UniqueID": "example-unique-id",
            "BuySell": 1,
            "PriceType": 2,
            // ... more fields as defined in the UserFillResult object structure ...
        // ... additional user fill objects ...
  • api/admin.1712003988.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/04/01 20:39
  • by chad