Table of Contents

Option Board

Our Option Board allows you to view and trade any exchange-hosted outright options. You can:

To open an Option Board window, select Option Board from the New Item Menu and choose the contract you want.

 Option Board Example

Quotes & Order Submission

Quotes are displayed as follows:

Many additional columns are available in Quote Board Properties.

The Option Board allows you to submit orders by clicking the bid and offer columns:

TIP: Calls are on the left, Puts are on the right, and the strike price is in the middle.

Available Contracts & Customization

Across the top of the Option Board window is a list of months available.

Columns can be added and removed via Properties. In the Advanced Section, you can add details such as:

TIP: Located in Option Board Properties is the Display Tab, where you can:

 Display Tab Settings

Trading Ladder

To open a Trading Ladder, simply right-click on the market you want. For example, in the image above:

 Trading Ladder Example

Quick Order Entry

On the Option Board, you can pre-set a quantity for faster order entry. Whatever quantity you set will be applied when pulling up a ladder or order ticket.

The Option Board will also display: