
T4 has the ability to report market news in real-time through in-depth coverage of U.S. and European futures markets, fixed income and more. Each trading day T4 displays news and reports on economic, financial and geopolitical news. T4 also displays breaking economic news and financial data.

To open a new News window, Click News from the Main window’s New Item Menu.



1 Properties Brings up the properties for the news window 2 Print Print the news window (you must have a printer configured to use this option) 3 Expand/Contract Expands the news article/Contract article to just the title 4 Category Choose the category of the stories you want to read 5 View Stories Tab Choose to view the story by release or by update 6 Indicators Tab Switch to view Indicators 7 Stories Total number of news stories that are displayed 8 Title Title of the News story 9 Body Body of the News story (must use the expand button to view this)