Table of Contents

Market History

The Market History window lists trades as they occur for the current market. Each trade will have a price, volume, and time. The color of the text indicates whether it was a bid or offer that completed the trade (second half of the trade).

Switch between market months by using the market tab at the top of the Market History window.

To open a new Market History window, Click the Market History option from the Main window’s New Items Menu.


Properties: Brings up the properties for the Market History. New Screen drop down: Brings up a contract window, a new chart, a second market history window, or an account contract window. Strategy Activation: Click here to choose how many contract months and which strategies you want to display in the market history window. View Tabs: Displays different months. Red Font: Indicates selling the bid. Black Font Indicates an implied spread trade or a trade that could not be determined if it was initiated by a buy or a sell. Blue Font Indicates the lifting of the offer. Ticker: lists trades as they occur for the current market. Vol: Will display a chart of the total traded volume by price for the day and the recently traded prices similar to those existing columns on the contract window.

Switching Months


Image The market tabs are used to switch between a contract’s available markets. Simply click the tab for the market you desire to see. If you want to see multiple markets for the same contract at the same time create a new Market History window and set the desired market. Image The Spread dropdown allows you to choose whether or not strategies are visible in the Market Tab Strip. If a contract has no spreads available then the ‘SP’ button will not be displayed. The SP dropdown will display all available strategy options for that market. If you do not want to see all the available markets choose the first 2 months only option.


The Market History’s column layout is fully customizable. Drag the column header to move, drag the column header side border to resize, and click the column header to resort.


Default Columns Price: The price of the trade. Volume: The size of the trade. Time: The time of the trade. Additional Columns TTV: Displays the total traded volume. Type: Displays if the trade was part of a spread.

New Screen Drop Down


You can create different windows directly from the market depth window. Click the drop down button to choose from a contract window, new chart, market profile, spread matrix, second market history window, or an account contract window.

Contract Window: Select Contract to pull up a new contract window for the current contract. Chart Window: Select Chart to pull up a new chart window for the current contract. Market Profile: Select market profile to pull up a new market profile window for the current contract. Spread Matrix: Select to pull up a new spread matrix window for the current contract. Market History Window: Select Market History to pull up a new instance of the market history window for the current contract. Account Contract: Select Account Contract to pull up a new Account Contract window for the current contract.