Window Management

Almost any window on the desktop version has its own property and in that windows property you can make it a default or save a copy of it. This window allows you to manage these windows, create multiple defaults, duplicate windows and rename them with your own unique name all from within the window manager.

To open select Window Management from the Main window’s New Item Menu.

Whenever you click save as a default or save copy in your windows properties it gets stored here, and you can toggle between default and saved.


Default Tab

While in the defaults tab if you Left clicking on the check box in the default area it will disable the use of your default window. This is helpful if you wanted to create a new window independent of your default. If you left click on an icon in the open new value area it will bring up a contract picker and allow you to pull up a new market using that default.

When you click on the add window tab it will bring up a list of all windows currently on your layout. You can click the plus located next to the heading to see a list of those windows. left clicking on the contract you select will add it to the list as a copy. This is important because this ladder had changes made to it that are not on my main default window. I also gave it a unique name so I can easily differentiate it from my other default.


Now I have a second default to choose from in my default window list. If I want I can click the icon for that window and it will bring up a contract picker to choose a new contract window applying my settings that I created for that default.


Saved Tab

When in the property of a specific market if you click save copy it will be stored here. It is similar to the defaults as it allows you to edit the names of the window and select any window from your layout to store it here. This is different in that it creates a duplicate copy of the window you saved.

Clicking the add window tab will bring up a list of windows currently on your layout.


Once you have selected the window you want and click ok it will save that window to your saved tab. Clicking the icon in the open new area will bring up the exact window you saved. This is a useful tool if you do not have a lot of screen real estate. In the picture below you will notice that I saved four different meal charts all different time frames. This allows you to easily pull up a chart window without having keep it up on your layout.
