Table of Contents

Function Reference


Fields are values that can be referenced directly in a script. For example CLOSE (or C in shorthand) represents the closing price of the current bar of the calculation.

Field Description
OPEN Opening price
HIGH High Price
LOW Low Price
CLOSE Closing price
TYPICAL, TYP Typical price (OPEN + HIGH + CLOSE) / 3
VOLUMEATBID Volume that occurred at the bid price.
VOLUMEATEOFFER Volume that occurred at the offer price.
TRADES Number of trades that make up the current bar.
TRADESATBID Number of trades that occurred at the bidprice.
TRADESATOFFER Number of trades that occurred at the offer price.
INDEX Index of the current bar being computed. This runs from 0 to COUNT - 1.
COUNT Number of bars on the chart.
BARPERCENT Percentage completion of the current bar. E.g. 15 minutes into a 1 hour bar would give 0.25
NUMERATOR The numerator of the market.
DENOMINATOR The denominator of the market.
TICKVALUE The tick value of the market.
NIL Special “non-value” field.
MARKETID The text market id.
MARKETDESCRIPTION The text description of the market.


Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description
+ Add
- Subtract
/ Divide
* Multiply
% Modulus

Relational Operators
Operator Description
=, != Equals, not equals
<, ⇐ Less than, less than equals
>, >= Greater than, greater than equals

Boolean Operators
Operator Description
AND, && Logical AND
OR, Logical OR
XOR Exclusive OR


Mathematical Functions
Function Description
ABS( <value> ) Calculates the absolute value of a number.
ACCUM( <value> ) Accumulates (sums) a value over all the data points on the chart.
ACOS( <value> ) Computes the inverse cosine of the value.
ASIN( <value> ) Computes the inverse sin of the value.
ATAN( <value> ) Computes the inverse tan of the value.
CASH( <value> ) Converts the specified tick value to a cash value using the conversion parameters defined for the current market.
CASHTICKS( <value> )Converts the specified cash value to a tick value using the conversion parameters defined for the current market.
CEILING( <value> ) Computes the nearest larger integer to the value.
COS( <value> ) Computes the cosine of the value.
CROSS_ABOVE( <value1>, <value2> ) Determines when value1 crosses above value2.
CROSS_BELOW( <value1>, <value2> ) Determines when value1 crosses below value2.
DISPLAY( <value> ) Formats the specified tick value to a text representation of the price.
EMA( <value> ) Computes an exponential moving average of the value.
FLOOR( <value> ) Computes the nearest smaller integer to the value.
HIGHEST( <value>, <periods> )Returns the highest value occurring over the last number of periods from the current data point.
INPUT( <value 1>, ... <value n> ) Allows for user input into the script via property pages.
HMA( <value> ) Computes a hull moving average of the value.
LASTVAL( <value>, <periods> )Returns the nearest non-Nil value over the last number of periods for the current data point.
LWMA( <value> )Computes a linear weighted moving average of the value.
LN( <value> )Computes the natural (base e) logarithm of the value.
LOG( <value>, <base> )Computes the logarithm of the value in the specified base.
LOG10( <value> )Computes the base 10 logarithm of the value.
LOWEST( <value>, <periods> )Returns the lowest value occurring over the last number of periods from the current data point.
LSMA( <value> )Computes a least square moving average of the value.
MAX( <value 1>, ... <value n> ) Returns the largest of the specified values.
MIN( <value 1>, ... <value n> ) Returns the smallest of the specified values.
MOD( <value 1>, <value 2> )Returns the remainder of the division of value 1 by value 2.
MOV( <value>, <periods>, <MAType> )Computes the moving average of the value over the specified number of periods using the specified moving average type.
OFFSET( <value>, <periods> )Gets the value offset by the specified number of periods.
POW( <value>, <power> )Computes the value raised to the specified power.
ROC( <value>, <periods> ) Computes the rate of change of the specified value over the specified number of periods.
SIN( <value> ) Computes the sine of the value.
SMA( <value> )Computes a simple moving average of the value.
SMMA( <value> )Computes a smoothed moving average of the value.
SQRT( <value> )Computes the square root of the value.
STDDEV( <value>, <periods> )Computes the standard deviation of the value over the specified number of periods.
STDDEVP( <value>, <periods> )Computes the standard deviation (entire population) of the value over the specified number of periods.
SUM( <value>, <periods> )Computes the sum of the values over the specified number of periods.
SQRT( <value> ) Calculates the square root of a number.
TAN( <value> ) Calculates the tangent of the value.
WILDERMA( <value> )Computes a Wells Wilder simple moving average of the value.

Plotting, Summary and Configuration Functions

Field Description
PLOT_LINE(...) Draws a line plot of the value.
PLOT_BAND(...) Draws a line plot of the value with upper and lower bands and option shading between the bands.
PLOT_STEP(...) Draws a step plot of the value.
PLOT_POINTS(...) Draws a point plot of the value.
PLOT_RIBBON(...) Draws a ribbon plot of the value.
PLOT_WAVECREST(...) Draws a wavecrest plot of the value with upper and lower limit lines. Peaks and valleys extending beyond the limit line values are shaded to stand out.
PLOT_HISTOGRAM(...) Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
PLOT_LIMITLINE(...) Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
PLOT_CENTERLINE(...) Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
PLOT_RANGEMARKERS(...) Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.
SUMMARY(...) Displays a summary for the plot.