Explanation: A contract is a family of markets. For example, Silver Futures (SI) would be a contract consisting of every outright silver future and every silver future spread. Silver Options (SO) would be a separate contract with separate limits. Note that any option group with a different contract code will have separate limits, so Silver Week 1 Options (SO1), Week 2 (SO2), etc. will all have separate limits. This means an account with a Max Position of 1 for Outrights can buy 1 SI Future, buy 1 SO option, buy 1 SO1 option, etc. without violating the position limit. The values for Outrights and Strategies are used in tandem in this mode because all strategies are broken into their constituent legs. This means that an account with an Outright limit of 10 and a Strategies limit of 20 will only be able to do 5 Dec-Jan spreads, not 20, because the 5 Dec outrights plus the 5 Jan outrights puts the account at the Outright limit of 10. If that same account had an Account setting of 50, then the position of 5 Dec-Jan spreads could only be done in 5 different contracts (i.e. Silver, Gold, Crude, Nat Gas, and RBOB) before no more positions could be added anywhere.