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Audit Trails


Important: Audit trail reports are provided in CSV format. If opening in a spreadsheet like Excel one may need to explicitly format numerical and date data in order for the information to be displayed in a readable form. For example without an explicit format set numerical data may read in scientific notation. An alternative is to open the file in a basic text editor.


CTS's standard service is to archive audit trail data for a period of at least 7 years and accessing audit trail data is made available through our website on an account by account basis. Access these audit trail reports by visiting our admin site You will need to enter your T4 credentials to access account data.


If a customer firm requests audit trail data be provided via FTP then it will be the responsibility of the customer firm to initiate the connection and the transfer from CTS secure FTP servers. The customer firm is also responsible for monitoring any scheduled transfers and to notify CTS of any issues that have occurred with a transfer. CTS does not monitor FTP transfers.

The customer firm must contact CTS in order to request FTP jobs be enabled. Upon approval FTP jobs will be scheduled and FTP credentials will be provided.

CTS host servers: &

CTS supports SFTP and FTPS only. Standard FTP will not be permitted.

Both servers will hold a week’s worth of data before the files are deleted giving the customer firm plenty of opportunity to download each file.

Make note that customer firms can only request audit trail data that falls under their T4 firm. Any exchange logins/sessions that have been provided from customer firm “A” to customer firm “B” will result in data being generated and OWNED by customer firm “B”. This data is not accessible to customer firm “A” unless customer firm “B” explicitly requests that CTS provide customer firm “A” all of customer firm “B” data.

CTS can not run audit trail reports on an exchange session basis. Reason being order can entered on one session and manipulated on another for some exchanges who support load balancing and failover.