====== T4 WebTrader ====== T4 WebTrader is comprised of several windows displayed by default, plus additional windows that can also be opened from the New menu button on the toolbar. * Account Detail - shows the positions for the selected account * Contract - shows the depth of market for a single market (only 1 can be displayed) * Downloads - provides download links to the professional T4 desktop screen and user guide * Order Book - shows your orders for the current trading day. * Order Book (Historic) - allows you to display orders for previous trading days * Quote Board - shows best and last trade quotes for several markets. * Reports - allows you to run some reports on your trading activity * Statements - allows you access to back-office account statements if available Each of the major windows has a "?" button in the top-right corner you can click for additional help. You can also follow the links on the left side of this window. You can save your screen layout by clicking on the Save toolbar button. ====== Toolbar ====== To change your active trading account select the account you wish to use from the "Account" drop-down box. Your cash, account equity and P&L for the current trading session are displayed to the right of the "Account" drop-down The account status indicator provides a color indication of your current trading ability. If this indicator is green, this in you are within your risk parameters. If this indicator is red, this means you reached your risk limit in some category. You still trade out, or liquidate your position. The connection indicator light tells you whether the T4 WebTrader system is connected to the server. If this light is green, means the connection is good. If this light is red, this means that you have lost connection to the server. If you have lost connection: 1. First, log off the T4 WebTrader system and try and log back in. If this does not fix the issue, go to step 2. 2. Confirm your internet connection is working by using your internet browser to go to the following website: http://www.google.com 3. Search for any topic in Google. 4. If you get search results, but T4 WebTrader still does not work, then please contact your firm administrator. 5. If you are unable to search on Google then your internet connection is probably down. You can try powering dsl router or cable modem for 30 seconds then powering it back on. You can also try rebooting your pc. If these not help then you should contact your internet provider's technical support. This icon is displayed when sounds are turned on. This button allows you to create your own workspace for T4. If you click this icon, you will see a menu bar which allows add windows to your front end. If you close any of your windows then you can always open them again from here. This button brings up the Settings window for T4 WebTrader, which allows you to configure colors, sounds, charting, change your password. This button will allow you save your current T4 WebTrader layout. This button will log you out of the T4 WebTrader application. We strongly recommend using the log off button, instead Trade how you want, where you want ====== Contract Window ====== Image **Note:** You can only have 1 Contract Window up at a time The Contract Window displays the market depth for the contract you have selected. Here, you can also see the high and low price of the day, as well as the total volume generated by that contract. Click the “New Contract” button to open the Contract Picker. This allows you to change the contract currently subscribed. Click the on the “Market Month” to open the Market Picker. This allows you to change the contract month currently subscribed. Enter a default volume in the volume field. This will be the volume that appears in the Order Ticket. Click in the bid column to open a buy Order Ticketat the price level clicked. Click in the offer column to open a sell Order Ticket at the price level clicked. ====== Quote Board ====== Image **Note:** Quote Board columns cannot be sorted on Internet Explorer. The Quote Board allows you to see market quotes for several markets at once and allows you to make trades from it. The columns displayed are: X - removes the market from the Quote Board. Contract - the name of the market displayed Market - the month, or strategy months of the displayed market. Market Mode - shows the state that the market is in. If it is green then the market is open and available for trading. Red means the market is closed or unavailable for trading. Orange means the market is in a preopen or pre-close state. Net Change - displays the net change for the market for the current trading day. History - shows the recent trade history for the market as a simple chart. Last Trade Price - shows the price that last traded in the market. Last Trade Vol - shows the volume of contracts that last traded. Click the “New Contract” button to open the Contract Picker. This allows you to change the contract currently subscribed. Bid Price - shows the current best bid price. Bid Vol - shows the current volume of the best bid. Offer Price - shows the current best offer price. Offer Vol - shows the current volume of the best offer. Total Traded - shows the total volume traded for the market for the current trading session. Click the “New Contract” button to open the Contract Picker. This allows you to change the contract currently subscribed. Click the on the “Market Month” to open the Market Picker. This allows you to change the contract month currently subscribed. Enter a default volume in the volume field. This will be the volume that appears in the Order Ticket. Click on the “Bid Price” to join the bid. A buy Order Ticket is opened with the bid price set to the current best bid. Click on the “Bid Volume” to hit the bid. A sell Order Ticket is opened with the offer price set to the current best bid. Click on the “Offer Price” to join the offer. A sell Order Ticket is opened with the offer price set to the current best offer. Click on the “Offer Volume” to hit the offer. A buy Order Ticket is opened with the bid price set to the current best offer. ====== Order Book ====== Image All - shows any fills, canceled orders, open orders, or anything else that was done for that trading session. Filled - shows only your filled orders. Working - shows only your working orders. Canceled - shows only orders that were canceled. Held - shows only orders that are held pending execution, such as Activation orders and other complex order types that can be entered through the professional T4 desktop application. Rejected - shows only orders that were rejected, for example if risk management limits were exceeded or if the market is closed. Each view shows the same information about an order. You can click on the column in order to sort by the field. - Clicking this displays the Order Details window that shows you the individual fills and history of that order. - Clicking this will pull your working order. A confirmation window is displayed before the order is pulled. - Clicking this will display the Revise Order ticket for the order. You can revise the price and quantity of the order. Once you select a new price and/or quantity, click on the Revise button. You can also pull the order by clicking the Pull Order button. Clicking Cancel will close the order ticket without making any changes to your order. Submit Time - shows you the time that the order was created (U.S. Central Time). Market - shows the name of the market the order is in. Buy/Sell - whether the order is to buy or to sell. · Volume - shows you the total volume of the order and how much of it has filled. For example, if it says 3/5, this is telling you that you submitted a 5 lot order, and 3 were filled. Order Type - shows the type of order you submitted and the price. For example, if you entered a limit order with a price of 120050, you will see L:120050 in this column. If you enter a stop order you will see S:120050. If you enter a GTC order, you will see L:120050 GTC Fills - shows you the price and quantity that the order was filled at. If you entered a limit order of buy 5 @ 120050 and 3 were filled at 120025, which is a better price, and 2 were filled at 120050, it will display as 3@120025, 2@120050. Status - shows the current status of the order. For example if the order was completely filled, it will say Completed, Filled. If the order was only partially filled, it will say Partially Filled. Trade how you want, where you want ====== Account Details ====== Image The Account Details Window displays all information about any positions you have for the current trading session. The columns can be sorted by clicking on the column headings. Each row shows the details for a single market for the current trading day. The Market column shows the market name. The Net column shows your net position for that market. The P&L column shows your total Profit and Loss for that market, including both closed positions and open positions. The Buys column shows how many contracts you have bought. The Sells column shows how many contracts you have sold. The Working Buys column shows how many contracts you are currently working to buy. The Working Sells column shows how many contracts you are currently working to sell.