====== Getting Around ======
We designed the T4 Mobile for iOS to be easy for you to get around. T4 Mobile for iOS only supports viewing/trading a single account at a time.
Tip: To be able to login T4 Mobile for iOS requires iOS version 9.0 or higher.
When you first log in you are taken to the Quotes Page.
Each window provides a toolbar at the bottom that allows you to quickly [[ios:ios_monitoring_trading_activity|Monitoring Trading Activity]] toggle to the different windows available. You can choose from Quotes, Positions, Orders, Fills, ladder, or chart.
There are multiple ways to pull up a Contract Window to enter trades from but the quickest way is to tap on the market you wish to trade on the Quote Board. You can also set order prompts by going to the Tap2Trade Settings and changing the Order confirmation.
To change your account, simply tap the Settings iconImage located at the top right of the window, and when the menu comes up select Switch Account.
To log out of the platform simply tap the Settings iconImage icon and select log out.
Tip: when navigating away from the T4 Mobile for iOS either by clicking the home button or the Sleep/Wake button when you try to open the app again the application will prompt you to reconnect the app.