====== Market Data Licensing ====== ===== Instructions to complete the exchange Market Data forms ===== Go to www.t4Login.com ERASE the Default firm and enter your clearing firm. If you don’t remember the firm name click your T4 icon on the desktop to get the name of your firm. Enter your regular username/password. ALL fields must be completed If you have a question about which role you are, pro or non-pro, click the link next to the choice for the definitions from the Exchange. You must agree to the legal agreements at the bottom of the page then click save and continue. IMPORTANT: This is required if you do not fill out the forms you will not be able to log in. ===== Market Data Setup Page ===== You must make a selection for each exchange that is not grayed out. If you select None you will not see any data and therefore will not be charged. **NOTE:** There is also an option in the Market data setup for delayed. If you select delayed for an exchange that market will be delayed by 10 minutes. Currently, all exchanges are not charging market data fees for this. ===== Exchange Market data Pricing Estimates ===== Below is an estimate of the fees the exchange charges each month for Market data. You can bundle CME products. Bundled Non Pro Depth $37 Bundled Non Pro TOB $6 Please note that this is an estimate and the exchanges can change the prices at any time. ^ CME Market Data ^ PRO^ Non Pro ^ E-Mini Only ^Top of Book ^ | CBOT | $136 | $12 | $50| $3| | CME | $136 | $12 | $50 | $3 | | Nymex | $136 | $12 | $50 | $3 | | Comex | $136 | $12 | $50 | $3 | ^ ICE^ Fee ^ | ICE Canada | $40 | | ICE EU Commodities | $140 | | ICE EU Financials | $120 | | ICE US | $130 | ^ Euronext^ Fee ^ | Paris Commodities | €16 | | Paris Financials | €36 | ^ Eurex^ PRO^ Non Pro ^ | Eurex | $65 | $18 | ^ CFE Market Data ^ PRO^ Non Pro ^Top of Book ^ | CFE | $20 | $5 | $3| ^ MGEX^ Fee ^ | MGEX | $37 |