====== PLOT_POINTS ====== * PLOT_POINTS( ) * PLOT_POINTS( , , , ) * PLOT_POINTS( , , , , ) Draws a point plot of the value. ---- ^ Function Parameters^^ ^ Parameter ^ Description ^ | | The value to plot. | | | The size of points to plot. | | |The style of the points. See PointStyle below. | | | The color to draw the points. | | | The color to draw the center of the points. | | | The color to draw the outline of the points. | ---- ^ PointStyle Values^^ ^ Parameter ^ Description ^ | PointStyle.Circle | A solid circle. | | PointStyle.OpenCircle | An open circle. | | PointStyle.Square | A solid square. | | PointStyle.OpenSquare | An open square. | | PointStyle.Triangle | A solid triangle. | | PointStyle.OpenTriangle | An open triangle. | ----