====== Authentication ====== This endpoint has authentication via Bearer token, to generate this token you can use the authentication endpoint, this is the information you need to use to request an authentication token: ===== Request ===== **Url**: https://api-sim.t4login.com/login **Method**: POST **Body**: { "UserName": "", "Password": "", "Firm": "", "AppName":"", "AppLicense":"" } **The login information will be provided to you by CTS** ===== Response ===== This endpoint will return an object in the following format: { "token":"string", "expires":int } The value of the property Token is your authentication token, and the value on the property expires is the timestamp when the token is no longer valid. ===== Example ===== {{:api:login.jpg?400|}} ====== API Usage ====== **Url**: https://api-sim.t4login.com/admin/simreg **Method**: POST **Body**: { "UserName": string, "Password": string, "EmailAddress": string, "FirstName": string, "LastName": string, "PhoneNumber": string, "Address": { "Street": string, "City": string, "County": string, "State": string, "Country": string, "ZIPPostCode": string }, "ApplicationType":int, "EULA": { "CollectedBy": string, "Signatures": [ { "DocumentName": string, "Signed": DateTime } ] } } ===== Properties ===== This are the valid values for each property: * **UserName**: Required, Maximum of 10 characters. * **Password**: Required, Minimum 8 Characters long, should have at least one uppercase letter, one lower case letter, one number, one symbol and should not contain 3 or more characters consecutive characters from the username. * **EmailAddress**: Required, A valid Email address, needs to be unique in the system, temporary email addresses are not allowed. * **FirsName**: Required, Numbers are not allowed * **LastName**: Required, Numbers are not allowed * **PhoneNumber**: Required, Should be 10 digits long * **Address**: Required, Json object as described in the json structure before. * **Street**: Required * **City**: Optional in the USA, will be taken from the zip code * **County**: Optional in the USA, will be taken from the zip code * **State**: Required, 2 Characters long, use ISO codes ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:US]] * **Country**: Required, 2 Characters long, use A-2 ISO codes ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes]] * **ZipPostCode** Required * **ApplicationType**: Required, Manual = 0, ATS = 1, Professional = 2, NonProfessional = 3, Desk = 4, Wallboard = 5, ATSDisplay = 7, FinancialProfessional = 8. You will probably use **3**. * **Signatures**: Json list as described in the Json structure before, all documents need to have a related signature. * **CollectedBy**: Required, Person or entity that collected the signatures. * **DocumentName**: Required, The document names are: LegalEULA, LegalPP, LegalMDSA, LegalUSA, LegalNPSCF. More information about these documents will be provided in the next section. * **Signed**: Required, this is the date and time the document was signed by the user. ===== Documents ===== These are the necessary documents that need to be present in the Signatures section: **Document Name** : LegalEULA **Title**:End User License Agreement **Url**:https://admin.sim.t4login.com/disclaimers/End%20User%20Agreement.pdf -- **Document Name** : LegalPP **Title**:Privacy Policy **Url**:https://www.ctsfutures.com/privacy%20policy/ -- **Document Name** : LegalMDSA **Title**:Market Data Subscription Agreement **Url**:https://admin.sim.t4login.com/disclaimers/MDSA.html -- **Document Name** : LegalUSA **Title**:Uniform Subscriber Addendum **Url**:https://admin.sim.t4login.com/disclaimers/USA.html -- **Document Name** : legalNPSCF **Title**:Non-Professional Self-Certification Form **Url**:https://admin.sim.t4login.com/disclaimers/NPSCF.html **This document is necessary only for non-professional users** ===== Response ===== Code 200 means the user was created successfully Other codes are error codes, they will have details in the json response object. ===== Example ===== ** Body Example ** { "UserName": "userPlus500", "Password": "PasTest123$$", "EmailAddress": "username@plus500.com", "FirstName": "SimReg", "LastName": "APITest", "PhoneNumber": "1234567890", "Address": { "Street": "2 Pierce Place", "City": "Chicago", "County": "Cook", "State": "IL", "Country": "US", "ZIPPostCode": "60143" }, "ApplicationType":3, "EULA": { "CollectedBy": "CTS", "Signatures": [ { "DocumentName": "LegalEULA", "Signed": "7/16/2024 10:53:50 AM" }, { "DocumentName": "LegalPP", "Signed": "7/16/2024 10:53:50 AM" }, { "DocumentName": "LegalMDSA", "Signed": "7/16/2024 10:53:50 AM" }, { "DocumentName": "LegalUSA", "Signed": "7/16/2024 10:53:50 AM" }, { "DocumentName": "LegalNPSCF", "Signed": "7/16/2024 10:53:50 AM" } ] } } ** Bearer Authentication Token ** {{:api:auth_simreg.png?400|}} ** Body: ** {{:api:sim_reg_request.png?400|}}