====== T4 API ====== The T4 API gives developers access to the T4 platform services via a simple and standard REST interface. ---- The T4 API is comprised of the following services: [[api:admin|Admin Service]] [[api:chart|Chart Service]] [[api:markets|Market Definition Service]] [[api:orderentry|Order Entry Service]] [[api:marketdatastreaming|Market Data Streaming Service]] [[api:accountdatastreaming|Account Data Streaming Service]] [[api:simusercreation|Simulator User Creation API]] ====== Getting Started ====== The below information is required! You will not be able to login without this. Before using the T4 API, you must register an application with CTS. Please send an email to support@ctsfutures.com with the following information: - The name of the application that will be accessing the API - Developer Name - Developer Email - Developer Contact Phone # - Simulator username of the developer We will create an application within our system and permission it to the developer's user. If you do not yet have a simulator account we can create one for you, just let us know in your email. [[api:login|Next: Login into the T4 API]]