====== Configure Chart ====== To configure the chart tap on the Settings icon Image and select configure chart from the menu. {{:android:charting-configure-charts-1-android.png?700|}} From here you can edit the look and feel of your chart. **Tip:** All the studies you add will be added to this area, so you can easily edit your studies by tapping on them, or tap the x to remove them. ====== General ====== Now your are in the general settings. Here is where you can make general changes to the look of your selected chart profile. {{:android:charting-configure-charts-2-android.png?700|}} ====== Data ====== Now you are in the Data settings. Here you can set custom bar intervals and adjust continuation settings. {{:android:charting-configure-charts-3-android.png?700|}} ====== Account ====== Now your are in the Account settings, here is where you can choose how to display orders and fills. {{:android:charting-configure-charts-4-android.png?700|}} ====== Bars ====== Now you are in the Bar settings, here you can configure you can select the type of bars you want to display. In the first option click on the Bar type and you will be given a dialog to choose from Candle stick, OHLC Bar, Line, HLC Bar. {{:android:charting-configure-charts-5-android.png?700|}}