====== Related Accounts ====== The R-Account feature allows individual accounts to draw from a shared pool of cash. Multiple accounts in an R-Account group can have their individual account values pooled or they can be grouped with a single cash account to draw from. For example, 3 accounts with $10k each would have access to $30k combined, or 5 accounts with $0 assigned to each can be grouped with a $100k cash account to share. Note that individual accounts can be limited to their own account limits, but the intended use is to turn off individual account cash limits, set each account to $0, and add a single cash account to the group that will act as the limit for all the accounts as a whole. In this case, two trading accounts connected to a cash account with $1M will have their individual P&L and margin requirements subtracted from the shared balance. If one account uses $800k, the other account will only have $200k available. ====== Setup ====== ==== Step 1 ==== To enable this feature, each account in the R-Account group will need to have a “Related Account” name applied to it. **Note:** this “Related Account” name is just a value that links accounts. It does not need to be a real account name or account number. If the group will be drawing its cash from a single account, it might be easiest to use that cash account as the value here, but it is not a requirement. {{:administration:new_related_setup_stp1.png|}} ==== Step 2 ==== We recommend unchecking the box for “Risk Management Enabled” for each account in the group. Doing so allows each account in the group to access the shared cash for the group. If the box remains checked for a given account, that account will still be limited by the “Net Liquidating Balance” assigned to it in the account setup page. Note: unchecking “Risk Management Enabled” will turn off individual account cash limits, but all accounts that are part of an R-Account group will always have cash limits applied at the aggregate level. **Note:** individual account clip and position limits will still apply as normal if desired. {{:administration:new_related_setup_stp2.png|}} ====== Available Columns ====== The latest version of the T4 frontend has several new columns that reflect the aggregate accounting values for accounts that are grouped. Click the properties button (3) in an Account Board and type “r-account” (4) in the search bar. You will see a list of R-Account columns that can be enabled. These will show the aggregate values for each account included in the R-Account group. {{:administration:newracct_columns.png|}} ====== Account Board Overview ====== In the screenshot below we have two accounts sharing cash via the R-Account feature. Account danger0 started the day with $100k and account danger1 started the day with $500k. In the red section of the image, notice that both accounts have the same “Related” chosen: Related Example. The Related Balance of $600k reflects the aggregate of the two individual account balances. Each subsequent Parent column similarly aggregates the corresponding individual account values. **Note:** the “Related” column does not necessarily relate to a real account that controls the individual accounts. It is simply the name of the group for risk aggregation purposes. The name must match exactly across all accounts in order for cash and risk values to be shared. However, the name can be set to an existing account name or number if desired. {{:administration:newracct_board.png|}} ====== Check List ====== * All the accounts need to be in the same firm. * All accounts must be enabled or disabled. (Backoffice only will not work) * There is no cross margining. * All clip and position limits are per account. * It is recommended that the risk modes are all the same. Byportfolio is preferred.