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desktop:add_a_contract [2023/12/22 13:34] robdesktop:add_a_contract [2025/02/24 14:12] (current) – [New Screen Dropdown] rob
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 Double click a desired contract or select it and click Ok. Double click a desired contract or select it and click Ok.
 ====== Selecting Months and Strategies ====== ====== Selecting Months and Strategies ======
 Use the Market Tab to switch between available markets. Just click on the market that you desire to trade. If you want to view multiple markets for the same contract then just open a second Contract and select the additional market. Use the Market Tab to switch between available markets. Just click on the market that you desire to trade. If you want to view multiple markets for the same contract then just open a second Contract and select the additional market.
 The Spread dropdown allows you to choose whether or not strategies are visible in the Market Tab Strip. If a contract has no spreads available then the ‘SP’ button will not be displayed. The SP dropdown will display all available strategies for that market. If you do not to see all the available markets choose the first 2 months only option. The Spread dropdown allows you to choose whether or not strategies are visible in the Market Tab Strip. If a contract has no spreads available then the ‘SP’ button will not be displayed. The SP dropdown will display all available strategies for that market. If you do not to see all the available markets choose the first 2 months only option.
 Once visible, selecting Spreads is the same as selecting any other market. To the right of each spread market is a carrot dropdown with all available spreads for that front month. Once visible, selecting Spreads is the same as selecting any other market. To the right of each spread market is a carrot dropdown with all available spreads for that front month.
- +{{:desktop:sp_tab_strip_spread_dark.png|}}
 ====== New Screen Dropdown ====== ====== New Screen Dropdown ======
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 Image Image
-Contract Window: Select Contract to pull up a new contract window for the current contract +  * Contract Window: Select Contract to pull up a new contract window for the current contract 
-Chart Window: Select Chart to pull up a new instance of the chart window for the current contract +  Chart Window: Select Chart to pull up a new instance of the chart window for the current contract 
-Market Profile: Select Market Profile to pull a new Market Profile window for the current contract. +  Profile Chart: Select Profile Chart to pull a new Profile Chart window for the current contract. 
-Spread Matrix: Select Spread Matrix to pull a new Spread Matrix window for the current contract. +  Spread Matrix: Select Spread Matrix to pull a new Spread Matrix window for the current contract. 
-Market History: Select Market History to pull a new Market History window for the current contract. +  Market History: Select Market History to pull a new Market History window for the current contract. 
-Account Contract: Select Account Contract to pull up a new Account Contract window for the current contract.+  Account Contract: Select Account Contract to pull up a new Account Contract window for the current contract. 
 +<WRAP center round info 100%> 
 +**Tip:** you will also get a list of all availible options related to a future 
 ====== Setting Volumes ====== ====== Setting Volumes ======
 Image Image
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 ===== Display Tab ===== ===== Display Tab =====
 +The Display Tab contains properties that affect the display of information in a Contract Window.
 +Name Changes the name of the contract on the contract window Set- Sets the name to be displayed. Clear- removes displayed name.
 +Layout When clicked, the layout and settings of the current Contract Window will be saved as default and used to create all new Contract windows.
 +Save This will save a copy of the current Contract Window layout and the saved layout can be found in the Window Management.
 +Grid Font Settings for the grid font + - Increase or decrease the grid font size. This font size overrides the default. Changes to the default grid font size in the Main Properties Window’s Main Tab will now update this Contract window. Reset Reset the middle font size to the default font. Changes to the default grid font size in the Main Properties Window’s Main Tab will now update this Contract window.
 +Middle Font Settings for the middle font + - Increase or decrease the font size of the middle column. This font size overrides the default. Changes to the default grid font size in the Main Properties Window’s Main Tab will not update this Contract window Reset Reset the middle font size to the default font. Changes to the default grid font size in the Main Properties Window’s Main Tab will now update this Contract window.
 +Auto Track The Contract window is able to automatically track the market.
 +Auto Re-centered - This will make the ladder remain static while the best bid and offer are on the screen. If either the best bid or offer is not visible (e.g due to a wide market or market movement) then the ladder will automatically shift instantly to the center of the market.
 +Smooth - The market scrolls up and down to constantly center itself.
 +Centered - Stays centered on the current market best bid.
 +Depth - This shows the bids and offers as a list instead of on a ladder. Prices where there are no bids/offers are hidden. This can be helpful in wide or thin markets
 +Mouse Follow Ensures that the mouse remains in the row that contains a specific price. If this is enabled then resting the mouse pointer over a bid or offer price will cause the system to automatically move the mouse pointer when the market moves so that the mouse remains over the same price row. Having the mouse remain over the same price row lowers the risk of submitting an order at the incorrect price.
 +Fade Time The time taken in minutes for the Total column to fade from the Trade color to Trade Background color. The fading colors provide a sense of where the market has been and when.
 +Prop Scale The depth color bars in the Bid and Offer columns are scaled using this value. This provides a visual indication of the relative volume available in the market at different prices. Adjust this value to provide a meaningful ratio or bar width. The Bid and Offer colors will appear as a bar against their corresponding Background colors. note the button to the right of the prop scale. You can click the button to manual or change it to auto which will auto-adjust the scaling for the gradients that display or manual
 +Total Trade Volume If enabled the Total Trade Volume by Price column displays the total volume traded at each price for the current trading day.
 +Trade History If enabled the Trade History column provides a graphical display of trades as they occur in the market. Each trade will be plotted horizontally to the left or right (configurable) of the previous trade, and vertically at the price traded.
 +Max History The total number of trades to display in the History column. The maximum value allowed is 100.
 +Order Counts This will add a second column of Bids and offers that display the number of distinct orders that comprise the bids and offers.
 +Order Scale The depth color bars in the Bid Counts and Offer Counts columns are scaled using this value. This provides a visual indication of the relative volume available in the market at different prices. Adjust this value to provide a meaningful ratio or bar width. The Bid and Offer colors will appear as a bar against their corresponding Background colors. note the button to the right of the prop scale. You can click the button to manual or change it to auto which will auto-adjust the scaling for the gradients that display or manual
 ===== Trading Tab ===== ===== Trading Tab =====
 +The Trading Tab properties only effect trading behavior of the Contract window.
 +Contract Mode Switches the Contract window between trading and view only mode.
 +Trading Enabled Allows order submission and displays working orders, position and P&L information.
 +View Only Does not allow order submission and reduces the amount of screen space used by the window.
 +Contract Ticket Hides or displays the Contract Ticket on the Contract Ladder.
 +Volume Bar Hides or displays the Volume Bar on the Contract Ladder.
 +Right Click Vol Enables right click trading.
 +Vol The Right Click Volume Picker will behave just like the Left Click Volume Picker.
 +Net Right click submission will result in an order being submitted for a volume equal to your current net position in the market. It is a useful feature for the ability to enter positions with a left click and exit positions with a right click.
 +Buy/Sell Bar Hides or displays the Buy/Sell Bar. The Buy/sell Bar submits orders a specified number of ticks off the market. Right and left click volumes are supported.
 +Order Tag A user specified string that gets passed with the order. This string will be visible in the Tag column in the orderbook or order details.
 +Mini Market Adds the Mini Market screen to the contract window.
 +Market History Adds the Market History screen to the contract window.
 ===== Ticket Tab ===== ===== Ticket Tab =====
 +The Ticket Tab contains properties that affect the Contract Ticket if it is enabled.
 +Reset Price Tracking After an order is submitted the Contract Ticket will begin to automatically track the best bid and best offer.
 +Trading Volumes Adjust the Contract Ticket volume buttons by clicking their up and down arrow buttons.
 +Show Working in Ticket Displays your working orders in the Contract Ticket.
 +Show Order Summary Only Working orders displayed in the Contract Ticket can be displayed individually or as a summary aggregated by price.
 ===== Accounts Tab ===== ===== Accounts Tab =====
 +The Accounts Tab enables you to hide or show additional Account Position details.
 +1 Net Position Hide or display various account position details on the Contract window. Account position details correspond to the market and Currently Trading Account. The fields are listed in the order in which they are enabled.
 +2 Format The market net position. You can choose to either display or remove the net position from the contract window. Three formats can be chosen to reduce screen space.
 +Net- Net
 +Net (Buys – Sells)- Net (Buys – Sells)
 +(Buys – Sells) Net- (Buys – Sells) Net
 +3 P&L Profit and loss. P&L factors in unrealized and realized profit and loss.
 +4 Unrealized P&L The time taken in minutes for the Total column to fade from the Trade color to Trade Background color. The fading colors provide a sense of where the market has been and when.
 +5 Realized P&L Unrealized profit and loss.
 +6 Total Buys The total number of contracts bought.
 +7 Total Sells The total number of contracts sold.
 +8 Alt Account The user can select an account different to the one selected on the main application window.
 ===== Window Tab ===== ===== Window Tab =====
 +To enable the linking you need to go to the properties button located in each window.
 +Once in the properties, you need to navigate to the window tab and enable the linking for each window you choose to link.
 +Click in the value area to enable the linking. You need to do this in every window you want to link.
 +You can click on the color bar in the value area to set a color, this allows you to easily differentiate which windows are linked to.
 +You can also set a shape that will show up just to the right of the properties as another way to differentiate which windows are linked.
 +The acct info direction allows you tie the Quote Board alternate account to the trading ladders alternate account. You can set the window to send only, send and receive, or receive.
 +The market info direction allows you to tie the Markets between the Quote Board, Trading ladder, and chart. You can set the window to send only, send and receive, or receive.
 +In the above example send and receive is selected for all three windows now any change I make will be made between all three windows.
 ===== Time Entry Tab ===== ===== Time Entry Tab =====
 +1 Time Display How the time intervals are displayed.
 +2 Time Format Time can be displayed in 24hr or 12hr format.
 +3 Bracket Mode Select a tiem bracket display mode.
 +4 Exclude Select 4 brackets to exclude from the display.
 +5 First Bracket Set the time at which the first bracket will be displayed
 +Please click the links below to access the user guide.
 +Time Order Entry
  • desktop/add_a_contract.1703252067.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/12/22 13:34
  • by rob