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api:chart [2024/01/09 16:12] chadapi:chart [2025/03/14 02:48] (current) – removed chad
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-====== T4 Chart API ====== 
-Our chart API provides data in aggregated or un-aggregated formats. 
-All times are in CST. 
-===== Aggregated Chart Data ===== 
-====== GetBarChart API Documentation ====== 
-==== Overview ==== 
-The **GetBarChart** API retrieves bar chart data for a specified trading instrument over a given date range. This API supports various chart types and bar intervals, tailored for detailed data analysis in financial contexts. 
-==== API Endpoint ==== 
-<code>GET https://api-sim.t4login.com/chart/barchart</code> 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-^ Parameter        ^ Description                                                                                       ^ 
-| **exchangeId**       | **Required**. Identifier for the exchange.                                                        | 
-| **contractId**       | **Required**. Identifier for the contract.                                                        | 
-| **chartType**        | **Required**. Type of chart to compute. Currently, only **Bar** type is supported.              | 
-| **barInterval**      | **Required**. Interval at which bars are aggregated. Possible values:\\ • **Tick**: Bars aggregated based on trade count.\\ • **TickRange**: Bars aggregated based on price range.\\ • **Volume**: Bars aggregated based on number of contracts traded.\\ • **Second**: Bars aggregated into multiples of seconds.\\ • **Minute**: Bars aggregated into multiples of minutes.\\ • **Hour**: Bars aggregated into multiples of hours.\\ • **Day**: Bars aggregated into multiples of days.\\ • **Week**: Bars aggregated into multiples of weeks. | 
-| **barPeriod**        | **Required**. Period for the bars.                                                                | 
-| **tradeDateStart**   | **Required**. Start date for the trade data.                                                      | 
-| **tradeDateEnd**     | **Required**. End date for the trade data.                                                        | 
-| marketID         | Market ID (optional). Can be omitted when using ContinuationType.                                 | 
-| continuationType | Method of continuation for the chart. Only **Volume** is currently supported.                      | 
-| resetInterval    | Interval at which bar computations reset (not applicable when ContinuationType.Volume is used). \\ Defaults to **TradingDay**. Other possible values:\\ • **None**: No reset interval.\\ • **TradingWeek**: Reset on the trading week boundary.\\ • **ExpiryChange**: Reset on an expiry change. | 
-| contractMonths   | Contract months to include (not applicable when **ContinuationType.Volume** is used).             | 
-| rolloverThreshold| Rollover threshold (not applicable when **ContinuationType.Volume** is used).                      | 
-| forwardMonths    | Forward months (not applicable when **ContinuationType.Volume** is used).                         | 
-====== Response Structure ====== 
-The response from the **GetBarChart** API is a JSON object containing detailed information about the bar chart data. Below is the structure of the response along with a description of each element: 
-^ Element            ^ Description                                                                                                  ^ 
-| tradeDateStart     | The starting date of the trade data.                                                                          | 
-| tradeDateEnd       | The ending date of the trade data.                                                                            | 
-| activeMarket       | Information about the active market.                                                                          | 
-| bars               | An array of bar objects, each containing detailed information like trade date, prices, volume, and trades.   | 
-| marketDefinitions  | An array of market definition objects, detailing market-specific information.                                | 
-| modeChanges        | An array of mode change objects, each showing changes in the market mode.                                    | 
-| openInterests      | An array containing information about open interests.                                                        | 
-| settlements        | An array detailing settlement information, including prices and whether the settlement was held.             | 
-==== Example JSON Response ==== 
-    "tradeDateStart": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-    "tradeDateEnd": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-    "activeMarket": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)", 
-    "bars": [ 
-        { 
-            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-            "time": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-            "closeTime": "2024-01-08T15:59:59.5853624", 
-            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)", 
-            "openPrice": "473575", 
-            "highPrice": "480325", 
-            "lowPrice": "471525", 
-            "closePrice": "479800", 
-            "volume": 1339989, 
-            "volumeAtBid": 665050, 
-            "volumeAtOffer": 674939, 
-            "trades": 320624, 
-            "tradesAtBid": 152333, 
-            "tradesAtOffer": 168291 
-        } 
-    ], 
-    "marketDefinitions": [ 
-        { 
-            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)", 
-            "minPriceIncrement": "25", 
-            "priceCode": "", 
-            "tickValue": 12.5, 
-            "vpt": "" 
-        } 
-    ], 
-    "modeChanges": [ 
-        { 
-            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)", 
-            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-            "time": "2024-01-07T08:04:27.7736882", 
-            "marketMode": 5 
-        }, 
-        // ... additional mode changes ... 
-    ], 
-    "openInterests": [ 
-        { 
-            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)", 
-            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-            "time": "2024-01-07T12:43:16.8256856", 
-            "openInterest": 2211632 
-        }, 
-        // ... additional open interests ... 
-    ], 
-    "settlements": [ 
-        { 
-            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)", 
-            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-            "time": "2024-01-05T16:38:39.9345143", 
-            "settlementPrice": "473475" 
-        }, 
-        { 
-            "marketID": "XCME_Eq ES (H24)", 
-            "tradeDate": "2024-01-08T00:00:00", 
-            "time": "2024-01-08T15:01:01.4810068", 
-            "isHeld": true 
-        } 
-        // ... additional settlements ... 
-    ] 
-===== Un-Aggregated Chart Data (Trade History) ===== 
  • api/chart.1704816723.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/01/09 16:12
  • by chad