
New Live User Login

When you are a new user you must login to our admin website and complete all of the required agreements before you can login to the trading application.

Step 1

Initial Login

Your firm, not CTS, will provide you with your login information. This will be a Firm, Username, & Password. You will go to and login with this information.

Step 2

Edit Address & Agree to Terms

Confirm all of your contact information is correct. Firms will generally pre-determine if you are a pro or non-pro. If you are not sure you should discuss this with your broker or clearing firm. Agree to all the terms on the setup. If you are a non-pro you must agree to the non-pro agreement, but if you are a pro you do not need to agree to this agreement.

Important All four steps listed in the image above have to be completed to move on to the next step.

Step 3

Functionality Selection

Choose your package, along with any add-on roles. The default is Core unless the firm that set you up changed it. Add-ons are not required and can be added at any time.

To view a complete break down of our pricing click here

Step 5

Enable Two Factor Authentication

This is not required, but it is recommended. To skip it, set the dropdown to “Not Enabled” and click “Continue.”

Step 6

Enable Password Reset

This is not required, but if you want this enabled you have to complete Step 5 and enable Two Factor Authentication. This feature will allow you to securely reset your password without needing to contact your broker or FCM. Note that CTS is not allowed to provide new passwords to users.

Step 7

Select Market Data

This is required if you want to see data. If an exchange is set to “None” you will not see data. “Delayed” data is free and will be delayed 10 minutes. “Top of Book” is only available to non-pro users and provides only the best bid and best offer in each market. “Depth” provides access to level 2 or full MBO depth and the appropriate fee is displayed next to the selection. All market data fees will be verified after this step is completed.

Download the Software

Install Live Desktop Software

To install the Live Desktop version of the platform click here Latest version

The current install might prompt you to install Windows .NET Framework 8.0, if you don't already have it, and all corresponding Windows updates are required to run T4.

  1. Click Open or Run to begin the T4 download and follow the online instructions.
  2. If you didn’t click Open or Run, but rather you saved the file to your machine, a double click on the downloaded file will be required to continue the install.
  3. Click the shortcut created on the desktop or under Start ⇒ Programs ⇒ T4.
  4. Login to the system using the same details you used to login to the T4 Website.
  5. If you have any problems performing the install then please contact your Administrator.

Windows 10 or higher is required

To install the Mobile for Android you can install it from the Play Store

To install the Mobile for iPhone you can install it from the App Store

  • gettingstarted/new_user_login/new_user_login.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/03/13 20:56
  • by